Student Solution


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Week 3 MLA Activity

Week 3 MLA Activity

Q Instructions Answer the questions below. You can write your response as text entry, or you can write your responses on a document and upload it. 1. What does the following in-text citation mean if you see it in an essay? (35) 2. If you see the above citation in an essay, what can you expect to find on the essay’s Works Cited page? 3. A citation in MLA format goes at the end of the sentence in which the source was cited. Does it go before the end punctuation (usually a period) or after it? 4. What does the following citation mean? (Jones 136-39, 145) 5. What does this citation mean? (Taylor 54; Thomas 327) 6. What information do you cite in your in-text citation if there is no listed author? 7. What does the abbreviation et al. mean? 8. What does the abbreviation “Ed.” mean? 9. True or False: A Works Cited page should be alphabetized. 10. Which lines get indented in a Works Cited page? Resources • MLA pages in this week's module • MLA guide online (Links to an external site.) • The Word on College Reading and Writing o Crediting and Citing Your Sources (Links to an external site.) o Creating a Works Cited Page (Links to an external site.) Use the above links for MLA guide online and The Word on College Reading and Writing links to guide you in answering the following questions. Grading Requirements • This assignment is worth 10 points (1-point for each question). Learning Objectives • Discover, evaluate, and cite reliable academic research sources for uses in the development of the student's own writing, using correct MLA format. Need Help? • How do I submit an online assignment? (Links to an external site.) • How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas? (Links to an external site.) ________________________________________ Please click Next to go to the next page

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1. What does the following in-text citation mean if you see it in an essay?(35) It means the page number from where the cited materials have been taken. 2. If you see the above citation in an essay, what can you expect to find on the essay’s Works Cited page? I would expect the content to be on the same page. 3. A citation in MLA format goes at the end of the sentence in which the source was cited. Does it go beforethe end punctuation (usually a period) or after it? It goes before the end punctuation.